Find out about the current weather conditions on the Grünberg in Gmunden and the weather forecast from GeoSphere Austria for the next three days.

Grünberg Weather
Weather today, 04.03.2025
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.

- Valley-2 °C
- Mountain-2 °C

- Valley9 °C
- Mountain10 °C

- Valley5 °C
- Mountain4 °C
Weather tomorrow, 05.03.2025
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.

- Valley-1 °C
- Mountain0 °C

- Valley11 °C
- Mountain12 °C

- Valley7 °C
- Mountain7 °C
Weather day after tomorrow, 06.03.2025
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.

- Valley1 °C
- Mountain1 °C

- Valley12 °C
- Mountain14 °C

- Valley8 °C
- Mountain7 °C