Sustainability is a key principle at Grünberg, on the Salzkammergut treetop walk and for Erlebnis Akademie GmbH as a whole. For this reason, the operating company has intensively addressed this issue in advance. Energy consumption was a decisive criterion. Although a total of around 300,000 LED lights - the latest LED technology and a very soft light - are installed, the entire lighting system only consumes around 4 kilowatt hours of electricity per day. By way of comparison, this is less than one person consumes per day in a private household.

How sustainable is the lighting installation?

Are there any effects on the animals in the forest?
We use a warm white, soft light with very low light emissions. The light sources used are designed for outdoor use in nature, with a particular focus on minimising the impact on wildlife - including birds, bats and all our other fellow inhabitants on the Grünberg. The lighting installation will be coordinated with key nature conservation and landscape management organisations.