Whether you're travelling by public transport (train and bus) or by private car, here you'll find all the important information on how to get to Gmunden directly to the valley station of the Grünberg cable car in the Traunsee holiday region.

To help you plan your journey, you can use our route planner to plan the best route from your home town to the Grünberg cable car in Gmunden.
Traunsee Touristik GmbH Nfg. & Co KG
Karl-Josef-von-Frey-Gasse 4
A-4810 Gmunden
The quickest way to the Traunsee region in the Salzkammergut is via the A1 Westautobahn (Vienna-Salzburg) to the Regau junction. Continue directly to Gmunden to the valley station of the Grünberg mountain railway.
Journey time from Linz approx. 55 minutes
Take the A1 west motorway (Salzburg-Vienna) to the Regau junction. Continue directly to Gmunden to the valley station of the Grünberg mountain railway.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 1 hour 30 minutes
Take the A10 Tauern motorway (from Graz, Carinthia, Italy, Slovenia) to the "Eben" exit and continue on the B166 via Russbach to Bad Ischl and on to Gmunden.
Journey time from Eben approx. 1 hour 45 minutes

Parking spaces
There are parking spaces directly at the valley station of the Grünberg cable car.
Note: The owner / operator of the car parks is the town of Gmunden. For more information on car parking, please contact the City of Gmunden Citizens' Service Centre.
Bürgerservice Stadt Gmunden
Am Graben 2
4810 Gmunden
Phone: +43 7612 794 - 264
Mail: parken@gmunden.ooe.gv.at
The nearest e-charging station for cars is located at the Seegasthof Hotel Hois'n Wirt.
Seegasthof Hotel Hois'n Wirt
Traunsteinstrasse 277
4810 Gmunden
More info at www.gmunden.at!
Travelling by boat
The "Grünbergseilbahn" boat landing stage was opened in Weyer/ Stadt Gmunden district in the immediate vicinity of the cable car.
Enjoy a boat trip on Traunsee and the panoramic ride on the Grünberg cable car!

Travelling by train
Travel to Gmunden in the Traunsee holiday region comfortably and without traffic jams by train and Traunseetram. During the train journey, you can relax and get in the mood for your excursion to the Traunsee holiday region.
The Traunseetram takes you to the Grünberg cable car in comfort
from Gmunden train station via Franz Josef Platz, Traunbrücke and Seebahnhof or
from Vorchdorf train station via the municipality of Kirchham and Gschwandt and Seebahnhof
Bus stop = "Gmunden-Seebahnhof"
Walking time to the valley station of the Grünberg cable car = approx. 5 minutes